Looking Into the South Pole Direct Energy Weapon Conspiracy

He says give us give us some volume and every single door in the facility I had complete access to every compartment they manufactured . What are you blowing the whistle on that ? There are technologies at the South Pole Station that people can't even consider that exist on this planet .

Looking Into the South Pole Direct Energy Weapon Conspiracy

I mean , like I said , I can , when , whenever somebody is saying some wild shit to me , I need , I start asking them , what other shit do you believe ? So I can know how believable you are because if you believe because you might be one of those people that just believes bullshit . Easily here already .

Looking Into the South Pole Direct Energy Weapon Conspiracy

We can , we can't tell what's true . Look , maybe that guy is honest , maybe he's telling the absolute truth and maybe it's so crazy that we think that he's a loon because the story sounds impossible . The story sounds impossible that they would hide some sort of a directed energy weapon in some beautiful project to try to detect neutrinos , right ?

Looking Into the South Pole Direct Energy Weapon Conspiracy

It's fun when people talk crazy . But this guy was on the Sean Ryan show and uh he is a air quotes whistleblower and he's explaining how he went down there and he read the operating manual for this device and that this device caused the earthquakes in Christchurch , New Zealand . And I was like , what , like , what is this ?

Looking Into the South Pole Direct Energy Weapon Conspiracy

If I was , if I was running some top secret program like a directed energy weapon , I would have someone give them bad information , give them fake stories and then have them go expose it . Like have someone who's like most likely to blab and then have that person , give them this knucklehead story and then he goes out and says it and then everybody researches it . You just tell Roseanne , you tell Rose , just tell Roseanne the secret , tell her right before she goes on stage .