Yes . If you were looking for us and we weren't on live , you can go to Big Bear Channel on Roku and find us any hour of the day , all day , all day , all day , all day . I love that waiting here we go hooked up the Wizard of Oz just popped on .
I love that waiting here we go hooked up the Wizard of Oz just popped on . This is what you're looking at on Big Bear TV . You go down the headlines .
He's not home . Uh , nonetheless , if you're in Big Bear , if you're not in Big Bear watch Big Bear TV , we're on it all day at the headlines channel 24 7 . Good day live .
And now you're on a streaming platform , not only on Amazon , you youtube , you're on Instagram , you're everywhere . You're also now on Big Bear TV , 24 hours a day . So you never know who's going to see that .
If they didn't answer that phone , you were done , you get to watch , you get to watch the 15 channels on television or stare at the wall that's before direct TV . We just got to click over like when I was 10 there wasn't like , oh , wait , maybe there was , I think we did have direct TV . By then .