Brian Lee: Entrepreneurs Don’t Wait Take a Risk, Work Hard, and Don't Be Afraid | E44

You know , it's a , it's a , it's a great question . Um I think entrepreneurship can be learned . Uh Of course , it can be .

Brian Lee: Entrepreneurs Don’t Wait Take a Risk, Work Hard, and Don't Be Afraid | E44

You've had an incredible career . Can you learn to be an entrepreneur without having the DNA born to be an entrepreneur ? And were you influenced watching your dad ?

Brian Lee: Entrepreneurs Don’t Wait Take a Risk, Work Hard, and Don't Be Afraid | E44

Of course , you don't want to fail , but it's ok and , and , and that's what I try to tell . Any aspiring entrepreneur . It's ok and , and honestly it's like you're never gonna know , you're never gonna know if something works unless you try it .

Brian Lee: Entrepreneurs Don’t Wait Take a Risk, Work Hard, and Don't Be Afraid | E44

Um And I think you gain a lot from that , right ? Especially if you're going to be an entrepreneur and you wanna , if you're doing anything , a consumer , especially you wanna , you wanna understand , you know what makes people tick , right ? And you want to understand what moves people and the only way you get that is by getting perspective and there's so many opportunities for people to do whatever they want to do their interests or hobbies .

Brian Lee: Entrepreneurs Don’t Wait Take a Risk, Work Hard, and Don't Be Afraid | E44

It's like you don't wait , you because I , I hear all sorts of things like , um well , I'm just working at this company to get more experience and in due time I'll go start something or there's like , and most of the time it just doesn't happen . Most entrepreneurs , if they have that idea , they're gonna go do it , right ? And II , I really do believe that and it's um and it , and it does become harder , it does become harder as you age .