Jill Levin - Segment 2

You heard it right here on Focus Tov network with mom's matter . We spoke to Jill Levin about how to know when your child is ready to go away to sleep away camp . Make sure to check us out next time on how to find the right camp for your child right here on focus TV Network .

Jill Levin - Segment 2

Is that right ? So how do you know when your child is really ready to leave and take off without you to sleep away camp ? You know , there are a lot of indicators to look for .

Jill Levin - Segment 2

I'm Sheri Yaar , your host right here on Focus TV Network . Today , we're going to talk about camps and when your child is ready to leave for sleep away camp with Jill Levin from tips on trips and camps . So , Jill , welcome to the show .

Jill Levin - Segment 2

But there's also do his friends go to camp or does he talk about camp ? And , and it's not just the kids also , it's also the parents are the parents ready for their kids to go to camp . Right .

Jill Levin - Segment 2

You know , there are a lot of indicators to look for . I think the first and foremost is , does your child sleep out ? Does he sleep with , go to friends' homes or to his grandparents homes to sleep overnight ?