How Acupuncture Improves Fertility & Hormone Health | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And therefore , it's not surprising that it would assist with fertility and pregnancy for many of you out there . However , probably thinking acupuncture that seems kind of like fringe science . But what I can assure you is that there are now quite a few clinical trials funded by government agencies like the National Institutes of Health showing that acupuncture is a very effective treatment for a number of different things including fertility and pregnancy .

How Acupuncture Improves Fertility & Hormone Health | Dr. Andrew Huberman

But for hormone status , for stress relief , but even for chronic illnesses of different kinds , including autoimmune illnesses . So this is no longer considered fringe science . In fact , one of the best laboratories in the world working on this is a laboratory out of Harvard Medical School run by a guy named Chu Fu Mom .

How Acupuncture Improves Fertility & Hormone Health | Dr. Andrew Huberman

That is the likelihood that there will be a successful pregnancy that is carried to term , not premature and so on and so forth . Now , for some of you out there , you might think , oh , of course , acupuncture , acupuncture has been known to work for thousands of years . And therefore , it's not surprising that it would assist with fertility and pregnancy for many of you out there .

How Acupuncture Improves Fertility & Hormone Health | Dr. Andrew Huberman

However , probably thinking acupuncture that seems kind of like fringe science . But what I can assure you is that there are now quite a few clinical trials funded by government agencies like the National Institutes of Health showing that acupuncture is a very effective treatment for a number of different things including fertility and pregnancy . But for hormone status , for stress relief , but even for chronic illnesses of different kinds , including autoimmune illnesses .

How Acupuncture Improves Fertility & Hormone Health | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So for instance , they found that stimulation of a particular site on the lower limb can reduce inflammation dramatically throughout the body by way of neural pathways that originate in the lower limb and extend to areas such as the kidney and the pancreas . So all these um quote unquote ancient maps of the human body as they relate to acupuncture are now being parsed at the level of mechanism , which I think is wonderful because it not only is showing us that so much of what has been purported and reported in the landscape of acupuncture actually has an underlying mechanistic basis . And with additional mechanistic understanding , of course , always arrive new and better practices .