Best Exercises for Overall Health & Longevity | Dr. Peter Attia & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So if you compare low muscle mass people to high muscle mass people as they age , the low muscle mass people have about a three X hazard ratio or 200% increase in all cause mortality . Now , if you look at the data more carefully , you realize that it's probably less the muscle mass fully doing that and it's more the high association with strength . And when you start to tease out strength , you can realize that strength could be probably 3.5 X as a hazard ratio , meaning about 250% greater risk .

Best Exercises for Overall Health & Longevity | Dr. Peter Attia & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So now here we do this by comparing low to high achievers and other metrics . So if you look at low muscle mass versus high muscle mass , what is the improvement ? And it's pretty significant , it's about three X .

Best Exercises for Overall Health & Longevity | Dr. Peter Attia & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And it's pretty significant , it's about three X . So if you compare low muscle mass people to high muscle mass people as they age , the low muscle mass people have about a three X hazard ratio or 200% increase in all cause mortality . Now , if you look at the data more carefully , you realize that it's probably less the muscle mass fully doing that and it's more the high association with strength .

Best Exercises for Overall Health & Longevity | Dr. Peter Attia & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And when you start to tease out strength , you can realize that strength could be probably 3.5 X as a hazard ratio , meaning about 250% greater risk . If you have low strength to high strength , high strength is the ability to move loads at 80 to 90 . It's all it's all defined by given studies .

Best Exercises for Overall Health & Longevity | Dr. Peter Attia & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Um As indirect measures of how healthy and we are and how long we're gonna live . It's basically grip strength , it's mobility . I mean , again , walking with that much weight for , for some people initially is really hard .