Ido Portal Teaches Dr. Andrew Huberman the Fundamentals of Movement | Huberman Lab Clips

But found that within each movement , practice at the point of struggle , there was often a breakthrough into getting it or suddenly feeling as if my body could perform the movements . Whereas a few moments before I couldn't , one of the more challenging drills , I guess you would call it or practices that IO put me through was one in which he would change the rules within the moments of movement . So that one had to both be paying careful attention to the instruction and to the movement , mid movement and change those movements , which as a neuroscientist , I can tell you has to involve a lot of what we call top down control that is engagement in the four brain circuits for anticipation and learning and rule acquisition .

Ido Portal Teaches Dr. Andrew Huberman the Fundamentals of Movement | Huberman Lab Clips

You could call this dance or you could call this sport . But really what it involved is setting a small number of ground rules or constraints as to how one could or could not move , dictated to me by I do . And that forced me to move in very specific ways that sometimes were very uncomfortable to me , not painful but uncomfortable , meaning that they didn't necessarily bring me to a place of reflexive action .

Ido Portal Teaches Dr. Andrew Huberman the Fundamentals of Movement | Huberman Lab Clips

But of course , nobody knows what clearing the mind is , nor how to do it what this involved for me was making sure that I did not generate any movements until the command was delivered and then taking a pause before generating the movement that I was instructed to do , which at first felt slow and clunky , but clearly led to faster , more accurate execution of the instructed movement . And the second one was to try and forget the rule as soon as I had learned it because indeed , the rules were changing very quickly . There were many other teachings and learnings throughout the day that is IO teaching and me attempting to learn .

Ido Portal Teaches Dr. Andrew Huberman the Fundamentals of Movement | Huberman Lab Clips

Whereas a few moments before I couldn't , one of the more challenging drills , I guess you would call it or practices that IO put me through was one in which he would change the rules within the moments of movement . So that one had to both be paying careful attention to the instruction and to the movement , mid movement and change those movements , which as a neuroscientist , I can tell you has to involve a lot of what we call top down control that is engagement in the four brain circuits for anticipation and learning and rule acquisition . And to combine those with reflexive action and deliberate action .

Ido Portal Teaches Dr. Andrew Huberman the Fundamentals of Movement | Huberman Lab Clips

It began by lying on the floor and IO gave me and Odelia , one of his colleagues instruction as to how to move out of a motionless state in very deliberate ways , as well as incorporating things like facial and eye movements , which felt very unusual . I confess , but quickly led to an expansion into other forms of movement that were dynamic and involved multiple people . You could call this dance or you could call this sport .