Regular Guy Friday ep 124. Our Perpetrators, Our Messengers

Because we have a , we have a packed show today . So many , so many things to go over . Uh Would you start with our disclaimer slash ?

Regular Guy Friday ep 124. Our Perpetrators, Our Messengers

I want to talk about Kelsey's hometown wedding . Some other issues , right ? Because we did what we , we , we learn a lesson .

Regular Guy Friday ep 124. Our Perpetrators, Our Messengers

We're gonna talk about Kelsey and her old friends . Um Yeah , there's a couple of things I want to bring up here . So anyway , we'll , we'll be back um on this economy .

Regular Guy Friday ep 124. Our Perpetrators, Our Messengers

The fact that she was with Kelsey and I feel like in my heart of heart , she was not thinking about me or Maria , she because she was with Kelsey , you know , and , um , and that's one of the many , many ways Kelsey shows up , but that was just amazing . But everyone shows up in different ways . So , like you have to be open for that , but you do know the ones who wouldn't pee on you if you were on fire .

Regular Guy Friday ep 124. Our Perpetrators, Our Messengers

So would you just clarify everything for us ? Some of these terms for , for summer ? I'll start with , do we think ?