Why Alcohol & Coffee Taste Bad At First & Later Taste Good | Dr. Charles Zuker & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So , is there a change in the receptors , the distribution , the number , the sensitivity , et cetera that can explain the transition from wanting to avoid vegetables to being willing to eat vegetables simply in childhood to to early . I'm gonna take the question slightly differently , but I think it will illustrate the point and , and I wanna just illus use the difference between the olfactory system and the taste system to make the point taste system . Five basic palettes .

Why Alcohol & Coffee Taste Bad At First & Later Taste Good | Dr. Charles Zuker & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Yeah , in what you could do with it because its goal is to allow you to get nutrients and survive . The goal of the olfactory system is very different . It's being used , not in our case , but in every animal species to , you know , identify friend versus foe , to identify mate , to identify ecological niches they wanna be in .

Why Alcohol & Coffee Taste Bad At First & Later Taste Good | Dr. Charles Zuker & Dr. Andrew Huberman

It's malleable and is subjected to learning and experience . But unlike the olfactory system is restricted . Yeah , in what you could do with it because its goal is to allow you to get nutrients and survive .

Why Alcohol & Coffee Taste Bad At First & Later Taste Good | Dr. Charles Zuker & Dr. Andrew Huberman

These are aversive in the factory system . It's claimed that we can smell millions of different os yet for the most part , none of them have an innate , predetermined meaning in the olfactory system , meaning is imposed by learning and experience even the smell of smoke . So I'm gonna give you , I'm gonna make it differently .

Why Alcohol & Coffee Taste Bad At First & Later Taste Good | Dr. Charles Zuker & Dr. Andrew Huberman

This , this accommodates two important things . In the case of taste , you have neurons at every station that are for sweet , for sour , for bitter , for salty and umami . It's only five classes .