Why Alcohol & Coffee Taste Bad At First & Later Taste Good | Dr. Charles Zuker & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Kids don't seem to like certain vegetables , but they all are hardwired to like sweet tastes . And yet you could also imagine that one of the reasons why they may eventually grow to incorporate vegetables is because of some knowledge that vegetables might be better for them .

Why Alcohol & Coffee Taste Bad At First & Later Taste Good | Dr. Charles Zuker & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And yet you could also imagine that one of the reasons why they may eventually grow to incorporate vegetables is because of some knowledge that vegetables might be better for them . So , is there a change in the receptors , the distribution , the number , the sensitivity , et cetera that can explain the transition from wanting to avoid vegetables to being willing to eat vegetables simply in childhood to to early . I'm gonna take the question slightly differently , but I think it will illustrate the point and , and I wanna just illus use the difference between the olfactory system and the taste system to make the point taste system .

Why Alcohol & Coffee Taste Bad At First & Later Taste Good | Dr. Charles Zuker & Dr. Andrew Huberman

But nearly every other is afforded meaning by learning and experience . And that's why you like broccoli and I despise broccoli because I remember my mother forcing me to eat broccoli , same sensory experience . All right .

Why Alcohol & Coffee Taste Bad At First & Later Taste Good | Dr. Charles Zuker & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Kids don't seem to like certain vegetables , but they all are hardwired to like sweet tastes . And yet you could also imagine that one of the reasons why they may eventually grow to incorporate vegetables is because of some knowledge that vegetables might be better for them . So , is there a change in the receptors , the distribution , the number , the sensitivity , et cetera that can explain the transition from wanting to avoid vegetables to being willing to eat vegetables simply in childhood to to early .

Why Alcohol & Coffee Taste Bad At First & Later Taste Good | Dr. Charles Zuker & Dr. Andrew Huberman

This , this accommodates two important things . In the case of taste , you have neurons at every station that are for sweet , for sour , for bitter , for salty and umami . It's only five classes .