LA Unscripted | June 23rd, 2022

These are just my favorite . My name is Hannah Mel and I am the owner of Golden Heron , which is a flower farm in North Hollywood . I purposely source from Hannah because we kind of hold the same values of like community of uplifting artisans .

LA Unscripted | June 23rd, 2022

California is one of the most diverse hot spots for local plants and it's wonderful . We have beautiful plants that are born and raised here , just like all of us and they belong here . They've adapted to this climate .

LA Unscripted | June 23rd, 2022

I'm such a huge fan of native Southern California plants and I'm so excited to talk about these . So this right here , this beautiful yellow plant that you're seeing spread everywhere . This is called Yarrow and it is one of my favorites .

LA Unscripted | June 23rd, 2022

Hi , my name is Alexandra Floro and I am the owner of underneath management . The reason why it's called under New management is because my mom was also a florist . When I was growing up , she would make me strip roses on the balcony .

LA Unscripted | June 23rd, 2022

The side saving water is you have habitats . These landscapes provide habitat , birds , bees , beautiful butterflies , all of those . They need places like this .