The Ideal Length of Time for Focused Work | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Circadian is about 24 hour cycle . Well , our brain and body operate within that day or within each and every day , I should say with 90 minute ultradian cycles . So my suggestion would be anytime you're going to sit down and try and focus , you're going to try and do a focused bout of physical exercise or skill learning or musical learning , or maybe you're even just having a conversation , maybe you're a therapist or you're attending therapy or a class .

The Ideal Length of Time for Focused Work | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Circa the day . Circadian is about 24 hour cycle . Well , our brain and body operate within that day or within each and every day , I should say with 90 minute ultradian cycles .

The Ideal Length of Time for Focused Work | Dr. Andrew Huberman

It doesn't have to be the full 90 minutes , but trying to push yourself to be able to drop into two hours of focus or three hours of focus while possible is not really in line with what we know about the underlying biology , everything from our sleep states or the different stages of sleep . And our waking states is divided into these 90 minute cycles or so called trade in cycles . So , what I like to do is set a timer for 90 minutes .

The Ideal Length of Time for Focused Work | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Well , the research literature point to the key importance of so called traian cycles . You've all probably heard of circadian cycles or circadian biology . Circa the day .

The Ideal Length of Time for Focused Work | Dr. Andrew Huberman

The question I often get is how long should I try to focus ? Well , the research literature point to the key importance of so called traian cycles . You've all probably heard of circadian cycles or circadian biology .