The Ideal Length of Time for Focused Work | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So you're doing yourself and everybody else a favor by staying off your phone in the restroom , staying off your phone while walking down the hall , try and give yourself some time to deliberately decompress , to let your mental states idle , to not be focused on any one thing that period of idling is essential for your ability to focus much in the same way that rest between sets of resistance training or rest between exercise is vital to being able to focus and perform during the actual sets or during the actual bouts of running or cycling or whatever . Uh your particular form of exercise might be so deliberate decompression is key . And I know this is hard because we're all being drawn in by the incredible uh rich array of sensory information available on our phones and other devices .

The Ideal Length of Time for Focused Work | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Our ability to focus is not just related to what happens during the entry and movement through those focus bouts . But after those focus bouts , we really need to deliberately decompress . And of course , the ultimate decompress the time in which we are not directing our thinking and our action is during sleep .

The Ideal Length of Time for Focused Work | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Although if you can do that , do that , but most of us have other things to do but do things that are rather automatic or reflexive for you and try not to do any focused reading . Try not to bring your vision into a tight location such as your phone and try and deliberately decompress because that will allow you to drop into intent , spouts of focus again repeatedly and repeatedly throughout the day .

The Ideal Length of Time for Focused Work | Dr. Andrew Huberman

I mean , it might be the gut microbiome but chances are , it's because people are on their phones in the bathroom . So you're doing yourself and everybody else a favor by staying off your phone in the restroom , staying off your phone while walking down the hall , try and give yourself some time to deliberately decompress , to let your mental states idle , to not be focused on any one thing that period of idling is essential for your ability to focus much in the same way that rest between sets of resistance training or rest between exercise is vital to being able to focus and perform during the actual sets or during the actual bouts of running or cycling or whatever . Uh your particular form of exercise might be so deliberate decompression is key .

The Ideal Length of Time for Focused Work | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And it's very important that after about to focus , that you take at least 10 minutes . And ideally as long as 30 minutes and go through what I call deliberate deffo you really want to focus on somewhat menial tasks or things that really don't require a ton of your concentration . This is starting to become a little bit of a movement out there in the kind of pop psychology and optimization world .