A Simple Test for Gauging Recovery & Workout “Readiness” | Jeff Cavaliere & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Um all different kinds of , of um you know , core temperature and things like that , that might become altered in a state of uh non recovery . But grip strength is very , very much tied to performance and recovery . And when I was at the Mets , we used to actually take grip strength measurements as a baseline in spring training all the time .

A Simple Test for Gauging Recovery & Workout “Readiness” | Jeff Cavaliere & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And in the middle of the night grip strength is very , very low . And you know , mid-morning grip strength is high . And as the body temperature goes up into the afternoon , grip strength goes higher and higher and higher .

A Simple Test for Gauging Recovery & Workout “Readiness” | Jeff Cavaliere & Dr. Andrew Huberman

One of the consistent findings is that in the middle of your night time , you know , they'll wake people up and they'll say do this test in the laboratory , they use a different apparatus , but it's essentially the same thing . And in the middle of the night grip strength is very , very low . And you know , mid-morning grip strength is high .

A Simple Test for Gauging Recovery & Workout “Readiness” | Jeff Cavaliere & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And you know , mid-morning grip strength is high . And as the body temperature goes up into the afternoon , grip strength goes higher and higher and higher . And then it drops off , there's a circadian rhythm and grip temperature .

A Simple Test for Gauging Recovery & Workout “Readiness” | Jeff Cavaliere & Dr. Andrew Huberman

But grip strength is very , very much tied to performance and recovery . And when I was at the Mets , we used to actually take grip strength measurements as a baseline in spring training all the time . Now , obviously , as a baseball player , you're gripping a bat , your pitcher , you're gripping a ball , like , you know , having good grip strength is important .