A Simple Test for Gauging Recovery & Workout “Readiness” | Jeff Cavaliere & Dr. Andrew Huberman

If the goal is to challenge muscles and one is dividing their body into , let's say , you know , a three or four day a week split or so , or maybe up to six . how do you know when a muscle is really ready to be challenged ? Again ?

A Simple Test for Gauging Recovery & Workout “Readiness” | Jeff Cavaliere & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And if you're training when you're really sore , um it's probably not a great idea and then it's probably a good indication that that muscle is not recovered , but at least hearing what you and I are saying here might be a comfort to the person to say , yeah , it is possible that it's not recovered just because 48 hours is the recommendation and just because research points to muscle protein synthesis , needing a restimulation , well , maybe not , maybe you're not necessarily there yet . You're in that and for that muscle you're not there yet . Um So it's all really interesting stuff .

A Simple Test for Gauging Recovery & Workout “Readiness” | Jeff Cavaliere & Dr. Andrew Huberman

But it , I think it's brilliant and um in its simplicity and its directness to these upper motor neurons because that's really what it's uh assessing your ability . Again , it's about the ability to contract the muscles hard . If you can't do that , you're not gonna get an effective work .

A Simple Test for Gauging Recovery & Workout “Readiness” | Jeff Cavaliere & Dr. Andrew Huberman

If the goal is to challenge muscles and one is dividing their body into , let's say , you know , a three or four day a week split or so , or maybe up to six . how do you know when a muscle is really ready to be challenged ?

A Simple Test for Gauging Recovery & Workout “Readiness” | Jeff Cavaliere & Dr. Andrew Huberman

But um , how do you assess recovery at the local level ? Meaning at the level of the muscles ? So we'll talk about soreness and getting better , stronger , more repetitions , et cetera .