A Simple Test for Gauging Recovery & Workout “Readiness” | Jeff Cavaliere & Dr. Andrew Huberman

There's a Mike Spencer concept where he's like , you know , trained , you know , one set and be done for 14 days . I mean , you know , it , there's , there's , there's such variability between muscle groups and you're , you're linking them all together . Um I , I think that coming back and using muscle soreness as a guideline for that is , is one of the only tools we have in terms of the local level , you know , we don't really have , you know , being able to measure let's say , uh CPK levels inside of a muscle would be amazing , you know , at , at a local level to see how , how recovered that muscle is .

A Simple Test for Gauging Recovery & Workout “Readiness” | Jeff Cavaliere & Dr. Andrew Huberman

A as you mentioned , because the systemic recovery is gonna impact all those muscles anyway . But let's say you're systemically recovering every muscle itself is going to have AAA , you know , a recovery rate . And I think what's fascinating is that when you talked about before we like to train this week or we have uh like the way our mind looks at training .

A Simple Test for Gauging Recovery & Workout “Readiness” | Jeff Cavaliere & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So regarding the , the , um the first part of the question , like , you know , how do you , how would you kind of dictate when a muscle is recovered ? So I do think that what you're experiencing is totally real , uh that different muscles recover at different rates . And I've always been so fascinated by this concept .

A Simple Test for Gauging Recovery & Workout “Readiness” | Jeff Cavaliere & Dr. Andrew Huberman

But like , you know , in that , that can vary from person to person for sure . And it can vary from muscle to muscle in that person over the course of time . A as you mentioned , because the systemic recovery is gonna impact all those muscles anyway .

A Simple Test for Gauging Recovery & Workout “Readiness” | Jeff Cavaliere & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And it can vary from muscle to muscle in that person over the course of time . A as you mentioned , because the systemic recovery is gonna impact all those muscles anyway . But let's say you're systemically recovering every muscle itself is going to have AAA , you know , a recovery rate .