Happiness & Fulfilment - with Robert Mack

And on the other side , the things that we think of as success , so successful life conditions and circumstancess , even health of the body , great relationships , you know , great kids , those things , believe it or not , don't really lead to lasting meaningful and abiding happiness that we're all ultimately after Right . So success doesn't lead to happiness . Happiness does lead to success and happiness is the greatest success .

Happiness & Fulfilment - with Robert Mack

A feeling that we're called kind of ultimately after . So happiness is the greatest success , but it also leads to success . And on the other side , the things that we think of as success , so successful life conditions and circumstancess , even health of the body , great relationships , you know , great kids , those things , believe it or not , don't really lead to lasting meaningful and abiding happiness that we're all ultimately after Right .

Happiness & Fulfilment - with Robert Mack

Um But this sort of bridges to a question from Andy , which I think is really interesting as well . So Andy's asked , how does the expectation of having happiness uh uh actually cause us suffering or does it actually cause us suffering ? And I think there is a , a point you've already touched on here , which is this , this bit of toxic positivity ?

Happiness & Fulfilment - with Robert Mack

But the idea is people who are either supporting or trying to support you and , or themselves in being happy and being happier . Some people don't seem to ever have any interest , being happy at all and they just want to make you miserable . Those are the people you wanna be careful , um , about and be careful around and it doesn't mean you have to cut anybody out of your life at all .

Happiness & Fulfilment - with Robert Mack

So success doesn't lead to happiness . Happiness does lead to success and happiness is the greatest success . Um But the Happiness Islands are one little variable that we want to take into account .