Happiness & Fulfilment - with Robert Mack

A feeling that we're called kind of ultimately after . So happiness is the greatest success , but it also leads to success . And on the other side , the things that we think of as success , so successful life conditions and circumstancess , even health of the body , great relationships , you know , great kids , those things , believe it or not , don't really lead to lasting meaningful and abiding happiness that we're all ultimately after Right .

Happiness & Fulfilment - with Robert Mack

So success doesn't lead to happiness . Happiness does lead to success and happiness is the greatest success . Um But the Happiness Islands are one little variable that we want to take into account .

Happiness & Fulfilment - with Robert Mack

It's one of my favorite tools . I feel like this is all bringing us towards the topic of um that we've named today's event about happiness and fulfillment . I feel that a lot of this is a journey towards fulfillment .

Happiness & Fulfilment - with Robert Mack

Right . So there's lots of talk and positive psychology and the way I would sort of simplify it is that happiness is the greatest success because it's the reason we want success , you know , no matter what we want to achieve , accomplish or acquire , we want it really only because we think we'll feel better for having it , right ? A feeling that we're called kind of ultimately after .

Happiness & Fulfilment - with Robert Mack

Absolutely . So the first stage , generally in our happiness journey is all about happy actions or happy activities . So those are the Happiness islands , right ?