LA Unscripted | September 12th, 2023

We're at Donna's . Uh we're a new restaurant in Echo Park in Los Angeles . We want you to feel like you're kind of , you know , I wanna say your grandma like your grandma when she was young and cool .

LA Unscripted | September 12th, 2023

They don't let him go anywhere . We love Echo Park . I mean Sunset Boulevard .

LA Unscripted | September 12th, 2023

Yeah , we are known for Italian Classic . I love eating Italian . My business partner is very Italian .

LA Unscripted | September 12th, 2023

How did you learn how to cook Italian food ? You know , I had a lot of great mentors in the past , most of my Italian cooking came from uh Felix in Venice under Evan Funky , uh learned a lot as well , like of like flavors and techniques from uh Da Baron and Paoli . Uh But everything we do here is just like cooking club .

LA Unscripted | September 12th, 2023

Well , that's the best compliment you can give really . Yeah , we are known for Italian Classic . I love eating Italian .