And I was like , are you insane ? She's just as famous as Fonda . I didn't know that .
I know she can get , she's one of those people who can't get her age , never guess because she takes really good care of herself and she drinks , uh , to the tonics and the smoothies , smoothies , every medical medium . I read that book . Uh , oh , hi guys .
And if you define it all by external things , you're going to be miserable for the rest of your life or the for the rest of foreseeable future . I think he just wrote a book on like what he did . I got Yeah , I got the ipad .
It's like , wait , what ? I know that person , she's an actress , a stand up comedian . She's LGBT community huge career .
Oh , in London , why did I just assume it was in Europe ? Of course , because he's doing like a world traveling thing with this movie . This movie is no joke .