So many people look to love as in like , well , I need this because I'm missing that or it's filling a void or I noticed and I , and I'm sure you've had the same experience too . You can use Law of attraction to attract romantic love , but you're going to attract sort of a mirror to the shit you got going on or what you or what you're lacking . And this is right back to what we've talked about before .
And I remember you telling me one time on an interview that you're in a relationship where like , you know , because you love to read , you like to go be sort of by yourself in silence and enjoy a book and that , you know , your codependent partner was like taking that as an offense , right ? I think that's so important that again , it goes back to enjoying your own company first getting happy with yourself so that you can be with someone else and not go down those codependency routes . But also how important it is for you or for people like me to speak up and let people know that this is a part of how we need to be in relationships that we're gonna need alone time .
I'm probably speaking from your brain here on like , hey , if you've , if you've really gotten to the point where you're happy on the inside out , you like you enjoy your own company , you know , you love who you are . You're happy in life , you're in a great position to attract romantic love because you're not looking for something to fill a hole , something to get . It's more like let me look for an addition to my already healthy life , right ?
Now , the challenge with most of us in the opportunity is that we can found relationships with love . And so we think of love often , first and foremost as a romantic relationship . And so it's bound up in all of these assumptions and false and flawed premises that we have around what a relationship should be and how other people should treat us and how we should treat other people .
It was so fresh and sexy and alive when we first got in and now it's stale where it's kind of like going to a room , you know , and the air is fresh there and you close the windows and you close the doors and you lock the doors because you're trying to keep all this fresh air in and very quickly that fresh , sexy , alive air or love becomes stale . And that's part of the challenge with love and relationships is that instead of sort of getting into , let's say a quote unquote traditional relationship in order to share the joy and the peace and the love that you found within yourself with the other . We do just the opposite of that .