OZEMPIC: Stephan Guyenet, PhD talks about the neurology of obesity

He bought the kind of stuff that we eat every single day . And what he found is that in rats , those foods are exceptionally fattening . So the fat gain that those rats experienced completely outpaced , anything that you could provoke by any other type of diet by far .

OZEMPIC: Stephan Guyenet, PhD talks about the neurology of obesity

And what he found is that in rats , those foods are exceptionally fattening . So the fat gain that those rats experienced completely outpaced , anything that you could provoke by any other type of diet by far . I mean , you could put regular healthy rat chow , you know , regular healthy rat chow .

OZEMPIC: Stephan Guyenet, PhD talks about the neurology of obesity

But that doesn't necessarily get us that far in terms of thinking about what obesity is , what's causing it and how to reverse it . Anthony Scni , who did some work in rats back in the 19 seventies and they were trying to produce dietary obesity in rats so they could study obesity . So at the time they were , they were trying to develop a reliable model so that grad students didn't have to , you know , wait a year to get fat rats .

OZEMPIC: Stephan Guyenet, PhD talks about the neurology of obesity

So the fat gain that those rats experienced completely outpaced , anything that you could provoke by any other type of diet by far . I mean , you could put regular healthy rat chow , you know , regular healthy rat chow . It's mostly corn and soybeans .

OZEMPIC: Stephan Guyenet, PhD talks about the neurology of obesity

You can put it in their cage and they will completely ignore it . And instead they will eat chips and cookies and salami and , and peanut butter and whatever , you know , fruit loops , whatever palatable calorie , dense foods you put in there and we diverged from rodents evolutionarily tens of millions of years ago . So , whatever these pathways are that are operating that are causing us to overeat , they're extremely ancient .