NIL Rules with Lawyer

It is absolutely impossible to peg what an individual's fair market value is . Yes , you can look to the history of the deals that the athlete has entered into , but we're in the infancy of nil right now . Um A lot of athletes just took whatever offer was coming to them in the beginning and that's not necessarily indicative of their fair market value .

NIL Rules with Lawyer

And people often talk about these things like there aren't currently minor league baseball players and NBA G Leaguers of the same age being paid for their labor and it doesn't seem to destroy their lives or their leagues . And with the quid pro quo concept , nil organizations are able to provide blanket nil deals for position groups or even entire teams because players have to do XYZ in order to receive the payments . Right .

NIL Rules with Lawyer

And so there's , there's discussion about it . I think there will continue to be discussion about whether these are legit deals and fall within the scope of what the NC A allows until the NC A decides to take some sort of punitive action . Uh It means absolutely nothing to me that they may be looking into these deals and in regards to the NCAA , what power do they hold ?

NIL Rules with Lawyer

Can you build their star through nil or do they already have to have that prominence ? I talk to athletes and families all the time with athletes who are not yet in college and maybe are restricted from doing nil deals whether it be based on their respective state law or their high school athletic associations bylaws . And oftentimes I ask them , what can we do to at least put ourselves in a position to really take advantage of this when the time comes ?

NIL Rules with Lawyer

And NIL is a new space in which everyone is learning how to operate and you've been following this topic closely for a while . So what does nil allow college athletes to do that ? They couldn't do previously ?