NIL Rules with Lawyer

So what true legal power does that organization actually possess ? So there's , there's really three areas of influence with regard to enforcement of NIL right now , you have the NCAA which has always uh organized and governed college athletics and it member schools . So the universities uh voluntarily decide to be part of this association known as the NC A and thus are bound by the bylaws that the NC A delivers and distributes .

NIL Rules with Lawyer

So the universities uh voluntarily decide to be part of this association known as the NC A and thus are bound by the bylaws that the NC A delivers and distributes . And thus , if there is a violation of the NC A rules with regard to nil , the only thing that the NCAA can do is punish the athletes or the universities where these athletes attend . The NC A has absolutely no control over the brands over agents over anyone other than those classes of individuals , the athletes and the universities , which is why over time , we've always seen the punitive action being that an athlete perhaps loses eligibility has to sit out for a certain amount of time or the school loses scholarships , has to pay in money , et cetera .

NIL Rules with Lawyer

And it's a very difficult inquiry . I mean , the NCAA and others would have to be very careful and cautious in the provision of some sort of punishment based on inducement because I think it has to almost be crystal clear otherwise they're asking for some sort of legal challenge and then you sort of can blow up the whole thing and ask whether any restrictions are permanent on , on the side of the NCAA . I mean , we're , we're sort of going down that path now where we're edging closer and closer to what sort of looks like an inducement .

NIL Rules with Lawyer

And finally , you look at the individual schools which many of them have published their own nil policies and to the extent that there may be a violation by an athlete , that athlete could be subject to some sort of punishment under the code of conduct or otherwise . And looking past the state laws , the Supreme Court had some strong opinions regarding the NCAA and it seems that the NCAA is in a tough spot because universities could send these cases right back up to the Supreme Court and ostensibly render the NCAA illegitimate . So where is the NCAA in the legal world currently , particularly at the federal level ?

NIL Rules with Lawyer

And thus , if there is a violation of the NC A rules with regard to nil , the only thing that the NCAA can do is punish the athletes or the universities where these athletes attend . The NC A has absolutely no control over the brands over agents over anyone other than those classes of individuals , the athletes and the universities , which is why over time , we've always seen the punitive action being that an athlete perhaps loses eligibility has to sit out for a certain amount of time or the school loses scholarships , has to pay in money , et cetera . Then you had the , the states that have passed NIO laws this far and made them effective .