NIL Rules with Lawyer

And people often talk about these things like there aren't currently minor league baseball players and NBA G Leaguers of the same age being paid for their labor and it doesn't seem to destroy their lives or their leagues . And with the quid pro quo concept , nil organizations are able to provide blanket nil deals for position groups or even entire teams because players have to do XYZ in order to receive the payments . Right .

NIL Rules with Lawyer

No , the athlete actually had and has deliverables built into the contract where they have to do certain things , particularly with regard to social media deliverables in exchange for that money . That's what is called consideration that I believe uh substantiates and actually satisfies the quid pro quo requirement . And so there's , there's discussion about it .

NIL Rules with Lawyer

But there are certain Guden rules in place . There must be quid pro quo , an athlete has to provide something in exchange for the money that he or she is receiving . It can't just be a gift .

NIL Rules with Lawyer

It is absolutely impossible to peg what an individual's fair market value is . Yes , you can look to the history of the deals that the athlete has entered into , but we're in the infancy of nil right now . Um A lot of athletes just took whatever offer was coming to them in the beginning and that's not necessarily indicative of their fair market value .

NIL Rules with Lawyer

Um A lot of athletes just took whatever offer was coming to them in the beginning and that's not necessarily indicative of their fair market value . Um Additionally , you really have to look at the terms of those deals then because values and compensation is oftentimes largely dependent on the actual deliverables of the athlete . If the athletes just has to post once on social media , obviously , he's going to get paid a lot less than if it's a multiyear deal with tons of deliverables .