NIL Rules with Lawyer

And NIL is a new space in which everyone is learning how to operate and you've been following this topic closely for a while . So what does nil allow college athletes to do that ? They couldn't do previously ?

NIL Rules with Lawyer

But those laws are also very focused on the NC A itself . It says if the , if the NC A , the conferences , the schools do anything to prohibit or restrict the athletes from participating in nil , then they're violating those state laws . And finally , you look at the individual schools which many of them have published their own nil policies and to the extent that there may be a violation by an athlete , that athlete could be subject to some sort of punishment under the code of conduct or otherwise .

NIL Rules with Lawyer

Can you build their star through nil or do they already have to have that prominence ? I talk to athletes and families all the time with athletes who are not yet in college and maybe are restricted from doing nil deals whether it be based on their respective state law or their high school athletic associations bylaws . And oftentimes I ask them , what can we do to at least put ourselves in a position to really take advantage of this when the time comes ?

NIL Rules with Lawyer

So the universities uh voluntarily decide to be part of this association known as the NC A and thus are bound by the bylaws that the NC A delivers and distributes . And thus , if there is a violation of the NC A rules with regard to nil , the only thing that the NCAA can do is punish the athletes or the universities where these athletes attend . The NC A has absolutely no control over the brands over agents over anyone other than those classes of individuals , the athletes and the universities , which is why over time , we've always seen the punitive action being that an athlete perhaps loses eligibility has to sit out for a certain amount of time or the school loses scholarships , has to pay in money , et cetera .

NIL Rules with Lawyer

And so number one , it's those rights to make money off of your fame , but it's also the opportunity to prevent others from exploiting your name , image and likeness , misappropriating those things without your consent and using them in commercial manners , such as advertising , promotions , et cetera . And so with college athletes , it's one unique sector of individuals who had been denied these rights over time by the NCAA based upon a bylaw that was in existence , that completely prevented these athletes from benefiting off of their fame . And that ended as of July 1 2021 .