NIL Rules with Lawyer

And people often talk about these things like there aren't currently minor league baseball players and NBA G Leaguers of the same age being paid for their labor and it doesn't seem to destroy their lives or their leagues . And with the quid pro quo concept , nil organizations are able to provide blanket nil deals for position groups or even entire teams because players have to do XYZ in order to receive the payments . Right .

NIL Rules with Lawyer

And ultimately , this new world is the true reality of college athletics . The previous iteration was an artificial amateur environment held together by questionable authorities and their self imposed policies being paid for your labor is enforced in every other industry throughout America . So I'm glad we're finally taking the steps nationally to rectify some of these misdeeds .

NIL Rules with Lawyer

After many states including my state of Florida and Texas decided to pass its legislation allowing these rights for athletes . And then the NC A ultimately on June 30th deciding to remove that bylaw with the prohibition and then institute very few guard rails concerning and I , yeah , and I think the majority of fans are all for , you know , paying players and profiting off of these laws . But the fear seems to be that it'll turn into the wild west .

NIL Rules with Lawyer

It's tricky to define is it just the first group pays and then the second group pays , then we wait for some sort of financial equilibrium . I think to the extent that certain states included the requirement of it being fair market value that's paid to athletes , the states sort of got it wrong because it's , it's impossible . It is absolutely impossible to peg what an individual's fair market value is .

NIL Rules with Lawyer

And I do wanna circle back to the concept of fair market value . It's tricky to define is it just the first group pays and then the second group pays , then we wait for some sort of financial equilibrium . I think to the extent that certain states included the requirement of it being fair market value that's paid to athletes , the states sort of got it wrong because it's , it's impossible .