That's another thing I do that I think is very helpful and part of why , um , one of the strength of my game is , is being able to recover so , from hitting a bad shot and hitting in trouble because I've seen those situations so many times . Um I think the main thing is it kind of goes back into the mental aspect . Um , you know , I wish I would have developed a little bit more with the mental aspect of my golf game .
Yeah , most of it isn't really on a golf . And um it's more with the mental aspect of golf . I mean , there's obviously a big physical aspect , but most of it at the point that I'm at and during my , my end of high school career and , and when I , I in my recruitment , um I was kind of just more focused on the mental aspect of golf .
And um it's more with the mental aspect of golf . I mean , there's obviously a big physical aspect , but most of it at the point that I'm at and during my , my end of high school career and , and when I , I in my recruitment , um I was kind of just more focused on the mental aspect of golf . So I had a lot of people kind of give me advice on how to deal with , you know , bad shots , bad breaks , um , good breaks , how to deal with nerves and tournaments and all that kind of stuff .
Um I think the main thing is it kind of goes back into the mental aspect . Um , you know , I wish I would have developed a little bit more with the mental aspect of my golf game . Um , a little bit earlier , I think it's something that I've always done really well .
Um , I think it's the most important part of golf . I mean , everyone , everyone has the ability to play a good round of golf , but you see a ton of people go out , they make a bogey , they flip out , they lose their mind , they get nervous , they start thinking , they start thinking ahead and thinking backwards . I mean , you know , you think ahead .