LA Unscripted | February 1st, 2022

The colors , red and gold are very important sign of festivity , longevity and just good luck . The Lunar New Year is a celebration of a new moon cycle that happens on an annual basis . And it's celebrated in Asia in the East as opposed to the western calendar , which celebrates New Year .

LA Unscripted | February 1st, 2022

Because when you look at spring , it signifies rebirth , it signifies newness , it signifies hope . And therefore the Lunar New Year or the Spring Festival is the biggest celebration in , in almost all of Asia besides all of China . So everyone would go out with their lanterns to greet and meet people out in the streets .

LA Unscripted | February 1st, 2022

So the red lantern um signifies luck for the New Year . We call it Lunar New Year because it's not just the Chinese that celebrates this day . I like to call it the chopstick culture and the chopstick culture is basically Japan , Korea , Singapore , Vietnam and China .

LA Unscripted | February 1st, 2022

Yeah . So Lunar New Year , I I find it a very like poetic and kind of symbolic holiday . You see like dumplings a lot of times like dumplings kind of look like little money bags , a little parcels and the more dumplings you eat , the more wealthy you'll be in the New Year or um having long noodles like you shouldn't cut them short or they want long noodles for like longevity and long life .

LA Unscripted | February 1st, 2022

It's the year of the tiger . And we're honoring the cultural Lunar New Year traditions . The unscripted way .