The Purple Sessions - Anastasia Elliot x Robert Mack

And , but I think a lot of people live kind of the opposite . Like their own happiness is kind of the last thing that they think about and , you know , success , money , relationships , making sure everyone around them is ok , especially , you know , as a woman we have like that kind of caretaker , like , you know , family and our relationships and our jobs and we're very , you know , giving beings and happiness is kind of one of the last things on the list . So that's like a total , like inverse way of thinking about living and mindset .

The Purple Sessions - Anastasia Elliot x Robert Mack

There's no question about it can be very , very um tough . And if you prioritize happiness above everything else , happiness is inevitable . But if you prioritize anything or anybody above your happiness , happiness is nearly impossible .

The Purple Sessions - Anastasia Elliot x Robert Mack

Um and resources to social causes and to other individuals , right ? So happiness actually makes you in some way a better person , right ? And so if you're wanting to be a good person and you're wanting to give to the world and to your friends and colleagues , you wanna make sure that you're filled with happiness .

The Purple Sessions - Anastasia Elliot x Robert Mack

And I say that not just from a spiritual like platitude place , but from a real scientific place . We know that happy people are rated as more attractive , right ? We also know they experience um the best that life has to offer and more opportunities short for those people who are happy than for people who are not happy .

The Purple Sessions - Anastasia Elliot x Robert Mack

So I would say that just , you know , recognize that you deserve to be happy and the happiness is the greatest success . But also if you prioritize happiness , you'll find that happiness leading to success . I love that .