Why Advice is Overrated | Rick Rubin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

It's just a way and it's just a way that happened to work that time . And this plays into when you get uh advice from people who have more experience than you , you explain your situation , they tell you their advice , the advice that they're giving you is not based on your life or your experience . It's based on their life and their experience and the stories that they're telling are based on experiences they've had that are , that have very different data points than yours .

Why Advice is Overrated | Rick Rubin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

It's based on their life and their experience and the stories that they're telling are based on experiences they've had that are , that have very different data points than yours . So maybe they're giving you good advice , but maybe they're giving you good advice for them and not giving you good advice for you . And it's , it's easy when we try something and have a result , a positive result thinking this is e everybody can do this .

Why Advice is Overrated | Rick Rubin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Because if we have a kind of a playbook of what's worked and what hasn't worked , but you actually talk about this . Uh There's a passage in the book , you know , that um I'll just read it um to be beware of the assumption that the way you work is the best way simply because it's the way you've done it before . I sat with this page for almost 10 full minutes , which is not something I do very often .

Why Advice is Overrated | Rick Rubin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

I did , uh , something that I was told that everyone else who did what you did , they all lost weight for whatever reason I didn't . So the idea that we know what's right for someone else , I , I think it's hard enough to even figure out what's right for ourselves . And if we do somehow crack the code of what's right for us , be happy we have it and then still know , I wonder if that's the only way , maybe there's an even better way that we're not considering , you know , like , uh , not to get comfortable with thinking , we know how it works just because we get the outcome we want .

Why Advice is Overrated | Rick Rubin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And this plays into when you get uh advice from people who have more experience than you , you explain your situation , they tell you their advice , the advice that they're giving you is not based on your life or your experience . It's based on their life and their experience and the stories that they're telling are based on experiences they've had that are , that have very different data points than yours . So maybe they're giving you good advice , but maybe they're giving you good advice for them and not giving you good advice for you .