Why Advice is Overrated | Rick Rubin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Being attached to the past might be the worst thing that one could do in terms of being able to make good decisions in this context . Because if we have a kind of a playbook of what's worked and what hasn't worked , but you actually talk about this .

Why Advice is Overrated | Rick Rubin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

He was lovely . Torn is lovely . He's still alive .

Why Advice is Overrated | Rick Rubin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Now we know this to be completely false . There's plastics throughout the lifespan . There's limits to it here and there .

Why Advice is Overrated | Rick Rubin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Um You know , I'm making this up but putting tuning forks against your head or something like that , like sound , sound wave therapy . Um I think when one adopts a stance of like we we have to filter everything through the limitations of our biology , but also through the the socio sociology of like the way culture goes , it becomes a different story . How do you deal with that ?

Why Advice is Overrated | Rick Rubin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And the premier journals have a an outsized effect on what the media covers . And so the beautiful thing is the journal staff now is of the age that they grew up hearing about acupuncture hypnosis has a powerful clinical effect if it's done , right ? Um Yoga Nidra and similar practices and so the tides are changing , but I sometimes like to take a step back and think what are we confronted with now ?