Why Advice is Overrated | Rick Rubin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

It's just a way and it's just a way that happened to work that time . And this plays into when you get uh advice from people who have more experience than you , you explain your situation , they tell you their advice , the advice that they're giving you is not based on your life or your experience . It's based on their life and their experience and the stories that they're telling are based on experiences they've had that are , that have very different data points than yours .

Why Advice is Overrated | Rick Rubin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

It's based on their life and their experience and the stories that they're telling are based on experiences they've had that are , that have very different data points than yours . So maybe they're giving you good advice , but maybe they're giving you good advice for them and not giving you good advice for you . And it's , it's easy when we try something and have a result , a positive result thinking this is e everybody can do this .

Why Advice is Overrated | Rick Rubin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

I did , uh , something that I was told that everyone else who did what you did , they all lost weight for whatever reason I didn't . So the idea that we know what's right for someone else , I , I think it's hard enough to even figure out what's right for ourselves . And if we do somehow crack the code of what's right for us , be happy we have it and then still know , I wonder if that's the only way , maybe there's an even better way that we're not considering , you know , like , uh , not to get comfortable with thinking , we know how it works just because we get the outcome we want .

Why Advice is Overrated | Rick Rubin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

How do you deal with that ? Not just in terms of , of health , but in terms of um thinking about anything , it sounds like you don't spend a whole lot of time thinking about what people are gonna think is cool or not . You're a punk rocker at heart .

Why Advice is Overrated | Rick Rubin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Um I think when one adopts a stance of like we we have to filter everything through the limitations of our biology , but also through the the socio sociology of like the way culture goes , it becomes a different story . How do you deal with that ? Not just in terms of , of health , but in terms of um thinking about anything , it sounds like you don't spend a whole lot of time thinking about what people are gonna think is cool or not .