Why Advice is Overrated | Rick Rubin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Exactly . And , and , but the field was run by a very small cabal of people at that time , fields are run by a very small cabal of people who have an investment in things being the way they are now because they're in charge . And one of the great things about getting older is that um , well , fortunately everyone eventually ages and I hope that , you know , uh David , unfortunately passed away .

Why Advice is Overrated | Rick Rubin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

But since we like to exchange information about health and things of that sort , the editorial staff of a journal dictates what gets published and what doesn't . And the premier journals have a an outsized effect on what the media covers . And so the beautiful thing is the journal staff now is of the age that they grew up hearing about acupuncture hypnosis has a powerful clinical effect if it's done , right ?

Why Advice is Overrated | Rick Rubin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

It's just a way and it's just a way that happened to work that time . And this plays into when you get uh advice from people who have more experience than you , you explain your situation , they tell you their advice , the advice that they're giving you is not based on your life or your experience . It's based on their life and their experience and the stories that they're telling are based on experiences they've had that are , that have very different data points than yours .

Why Advice is Overrated | Rick Rubin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Um You know , I'm making this up but putting tuning forks against your head or something like that , like sound , sound wave therapy . Um I think when one adopts a stance of like we we have to filter everything through the limitations of our biology , but also through the the socio sociology of like the way culture goes , it becomes a different story . How do you deal with that ?

Why Advice is Overrated | Rick Rubin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So maybe they're giving you good advice , but maybe they're giving you good advice for them and not giving you good advice for you . And it's , it's easy when we try something and have a result , a positive result thinking this is e everybody can do this . You know , the way I , I , uh , was vegan for a long time , 22 years .