I have a very special guest today . I am so excited Rob Mack . I met Rob about a year and a half ago when I attended this really amazing conference called Reignite Your Light Universal Light Workers Conference .
After stepping away from his corporate career , he began to study applied positive psychology at the University of Pennsylvania . He has now gone on to become a leading expert in transformational coaching to individuals and corporations . One thing you'll definitely notice about Rob is his enthusiasm and compassion in helping others .
I'd love to share a little bit about your background . Um Rob is a highly acclaimed happiness coach , endorsed by Oprah Vanessa Williams Mercy Shimoff and many others . In addition to serving as a celebrity love coach for the TV show , famously single on Ene Rob has been featured as a guest expert on the Today Show , Good Morning America Entertainment Tonight and the CBS Early Show .
He has now gone on to become a leading expert in transformational coaching to individuals and corporations . One thing you'll definitely notice about Rob is his enthusiasm and compassion in helping others . Welcome to the show today , Rob , how are you doing ?
And now I look back two decades later and I can barely recognize uh you know that the young man , it was still suicidal . Yeah , I think you totally transformed your life and I'm so proud of you . And I know that we've all had those low moments in our lives where we have thought about , you know , exiting essentially , we think , how do we go on um from here ?