Using Topical Caffeine to Slow or Halt Hair Loss | Dr. Andrew Huberman

The concentration of caffeine in different ointments varies tremendously . Most of the studies of caffeine on the stem cell niches that control hair growth and extension of the antigen phase of hair growth have been performed in vitro in a dish . Although there are some clinical studies exploring this , they are not nearly as extensive in number or duration as the studies of Minoxidil because this approach just hasn't been around quite as long .

Using Topical Caffeine to Slow or Halt Hair Loss | Dr. Andrew Huberman

But I do think it's important to mention caffeine because of the lower incidence of side effects , at least reported side effects and the general safety margins and the head to head essentially comparable efficacy with monoxide because monoxide has a bunch of other issues . Now , keep in mind that both men and caffeine are generally used as a preventative for reducing hair loss over time . They are not expected and they do not as far as we know , create new hair growth to any sufficient degree .

Using Topical Caffeine to Slow or Halt Hair Loss | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So , caffeine ointments and caffeine present in various hair treatments and creams , et cetera is starting to become a more prominent theme out there . I will include a reference to caffeine and its uses for offsetting hair loss . Keep in mind that topical caffeine ointments shouldn't necessarily be applied every single day .

Using Topical Caffeine to Slow or Halt Hair Loss | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Why ? Well , because PDE can suppress IGF one and by ingesting caffeine or by applying topical caffeine ointment or cream to the scalp , you can suppress PDE sufficiently enough to increase IGF one and increase some hair growth or at least maintain hair growth in that region . This may come as a shock .

Using Topical Caffeine to Slow or Halt Hair Loss | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Please put that in the comment section . I'd be curious about those experiences but as far as I know and from the clinical literature that I read , there's no examples of that one other point about caffeine , it does appear that caffeine can not only indirectly stimulate IGF one in the antigen phase of hair cell growth by way of reducing PDE and TGF beta . But it also seems to reduce a ptosis which is naturally occurring cell death of that stem cell niche .