Using Topical Caffeine to Slow or Halt Hair Loss | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So , caffeine ointments and caffeine present in various hair treatments and creams , et cetera is starting to become a more prominent theme out there . I will include a reference to caffeine and its uses for offsetting hair loss . Keep in mind that topical caffeine ointments shouldn't necessarily be applied every single day .

Using Topical Caffeine to Slow or Halt Hair Loss | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So if you look out there into the hair maintenance and hair replacement literature and you look at the treatments that are being sold , don't be surprised to see caffeine there . And also don't be surprised when I tell you what I'm about to tell you now , which is no , you can't simply just drink more caffeine in order to accomplish uh the goal of offsetting hair loss . It is true that when you ingest caffeine , it goes systemically .

Using Topical Caffeine to Slow or Halt Hair Loss | Dr. Andrew Huberman

But I do think it's important to mention caffeine because of the lower incidence of side effects , at least reported side effects and the general safety margins and the head to head essentially comparable efficacy with monoxide because monoxide has a bunch of other issues . Now , keep in mind that both men and caffeine are generally used as a preventative for reducing hair loss over time . They are not expected and they do not as far as we know , create new hair growth to any sufficient degree .

Using Topical Caffeine to Slow or Halt Hair Loss | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Although there are some clinical studies exploring this , they are not nearly as extensive in number or duration as the studies of Minoxidil because this approach just hasn't been around quite as long . However , when comparing side effects of monoxide cost of monoxide , comparing the efficacy of caffeine and monoxide , I think caffeine as a topical treatment for offsetting hair loss stands as a pretty good choice if you're going to start exploring this pathway . And there's no reason to think that if you were to try the caffeine ointment and it didn't work for you or you didn't like it for some reason or you needed to stop it for some reason that you couldn't stop it safely because it doesn't carry all the other , you know , blood pressure related effects and prolactinemia effects that menil does .

Using Topical Caffeine to Slow or Halt Hair Loss | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And there's no reason to think that if you were to try the caffeine ointment and it didn't work for you or you didn't like it for some reason or you needed to stop it for some reason that you couldn't stop it safely because it doesn't carry all the other , you know , blood pressure related effects and prolactinemia effects that menil does . So if you look out there into the hair maintenance and hair replacement literature and you look at the treatments that are being sold , don't be surprised to see caffeine there . And also don't be surprised when I tell you what I'm about to tell you now , which is no , you can't simply just drink more caffeine in order to accomplish uh the goal of offsetting hair loss .