Using Topical Caffeine to Slow or Halt Hair Loss | Dr. Andrew Huberman

I will include a reference to caffeine and its uses for offsetting hair loss . Keep in mind that topical caffeine ointments shouldn't necessarily be applied every single day . So this is the sort of thing you might do three times a week .

Using Topical Caffeine to Slow or Halt Hair Loss | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And also don't be surprised when I tell you what I'm about to tell you now , which is no , you can't simply just drink more caffeine in order to accomplish uh the goal of offsetting hair loss . It is true that when you ingest caffeine , it goes systemically . However , you have so many adenosine receptors throughout your body , those adenosine receptors and the parking of caffeine in those adenosine receptors is the main way in which caffeine exerts its stimulatory effects , making you feel less sleepy .

Using Topical Caffeine to Slow or Halt Hair Loss | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So that's why you have to rely on the application of these caffeine ointments about three times a week . Keep in mind that no one has really explored the dosages of caffeine in these ointments in a systematic way . We're still in the early stages of all this .

Using Topical Caffeine to Slow or Halt Hair Loss | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Well , those adenosine receptors soak up so much of the caffeine that you would ingest orally , that very , very little would make it to the scalp and to the hair follicles at the concentrations that you would want . So that's why you have to rely on the application of these caffeine ointments about three times a week . Keep in mind that no one has really explored the dosages of caffeine in these ointments in a systematic way .

Using Topical Caffeine to Slow or Halt Hair Loss | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So this is the sort of thing you might do three times a week . The concentration of caffeine in different ointments varies tremendously . Most of the studies of caffeine on the stem cell niches that control hair growth and extension of the antigen phase of hair growth have been performed in vitro in a dish .