Using Topical Caffeine to Slow or Halt Hair Loss | Dr. Andrew Huberman

I certainly drink coffee in Yorba mate . The occasional energy drink , things of that sort , caffeine does many things besides stimulate our central nervous system and make us feel less sleepy . However , one of the things that caffeine does is it is a fairly potent PDE inhibitor by being a potent PDE inhibitor .

Using Topical Caffeine to Slow or Halt Hair Loss | Dr. Andrew Huberman

We all think of caffeine as a stimulant that we drink . I certainly drink coffee in Yorba mate .

Using Topical Caffeine to Slow or Halt Hair Loss | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And also don't be surprised when I tell you what I'm about to tell you now , which is no , you can't simply just drink more caffeine in order to accomplish uh the goal of offsetting hair loss . It is true that when you ingest caffeine , it goes systemically . However , you have so many adenosine receptors throughout your body , those adenosine receptors and the parking of caffeine in those adenosine receptors is the main way in which caffeine exerts its stimulatory effects , making you feel less sleepy .

Using Topical Caffeine to Slow or Halt Hair Loss | Dr. Andrew Huberman

It is true that when you ingest caffeine , it goes systemically . However , you have so many adenosine receptors throughout your body , those adenosine receptors and the parking of caffeine in those adenosine receptors is the main way in which caffeine exerts its stimulatory effects , making you feel less sleepy . So it does that because then adenosine can't have its effects which are to make you sleepy .

Using Topical Caffeine to Slow or Halt Hair Loss | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Please put that in the comment section . I'd be curious about those experiences but as far as I know and from the clinical literature that I read , there's no examples of that one other point about caffeine , it does appear that caffeine can not only indirectly stimulate IGF one in the antigen phase of hair cell growth by way of reducing PDE and TGF beta . But it also seems to reduce a ptosis which is naturally occurring cell death of that stem cell niche .