How to Improve Your HRV | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Can we meaning can it become faster and uh more effective ? Um Can we think of the recovery system as kind of a blade that gets sharper by engaging recovery ? Because if so then there's strong reason for people who are not pushing really hard to push at least a little bit harder than is comfortable for them every once in a while to make sure that that system doesn't start to slide back .

How to Improve Your HRV | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Something that we need to train . In other words , can we get better at recovering ? And the uh analogy here would be something like focus in order to uh perform work of any kind , but certainly mental work and physical work , we need to be able to focus the ability to focus is the reflection of a bunch of neural circuits and chemicals and hormones , et cetera .

How to Improve Your HRV | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

But we know roughly what those are and we know that if you are poor at focusing for every small bit of time that you can focus a little bit longer , even if it's a matter of seconds , those circuits themselves get better at focusing and so on and so forth . So , in other words , is the recovery system , however broad neurotransmitter hormones , neural muscular , immune based , et cetera , can that system or set of systems become better ? Can we get better at recovering .

How to Improve Your HRV | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

If you don't train hard , there's nothing to recover from . What I'm really saying is , is the ability to recover itself . Something that we need to train .

How to Improve Your HRV | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Ok . Can we assume that they are recovering well ? Um Or maybe they're not creating enough of a adaptation response , like there's no progressive overreaching and so there's really no stimulus for recovery .