How to Improve Your HRV | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So paying attention to two things , number one is getting better at accuracy . Maybe staying really tight with your progressions um using nutrition and sleep to optimize your recovery and push your resilience is what we call this . In fact , there's actually a biological way to measure resilience .

How to Improve Your HRV | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Um in terms of like brain stuff instead of maybe playing a game or having music or some of those other tricks , those aren't gonna really have a chronic effect . But you can do things like work on social connection that's actually been shown to improve uh recovery over time . You can do things like journaling or meditation and those have an acute effect as well as a chronic effect .

How to Improve Your HRV | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So it's not that you actually are having a reduced ability to recover , but you start becoming incredibly sensitive to that . So your two strategies for enhancing recovery are to practice getting closer , throwing that ball down the middle line or to widen , to widen the alley . And that's exactly what you're referring to and you absolutely should do that .

How to Improve Your HRV | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Can we meaning can it become faster and uh more effective ? Um Can we think of the recovery system as kind of a blade that gets sharper by engaging recovery ? Because if so then there's strong reason for people who are not pushing really hard to push at least a little bit harder than is comfortable for them every once in a while to make sure that that system doesn't start to slide back .

How to Improve Your HRV | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Something that we need to train . In other words , can we get better at recovering ? And the uh analogy here would be something like focus in order to uh perform work of any kind , but certainly mental work and physical work , we need to be able to focus the ability to focus is the reflection of a bunch of neural circuits and chemicals and hormones , et cetera .