Does Cannabis (Marijuana) Use Increase Creativity? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And that combination of features , openness to experience and what that openness to new experiences brings enhances the convergent and divergent thinking that is characteristic of the creative process . So in short , cannabis increases creativity , but through changes in personality that tap into the creative process rather than directly impacting the neural circuits that for instance , turn on creativity . And I have to say this study is really important because by exploring cannabis users , not while under the influence of cannabis , they were able to tap into this very important what I believe to be fact because if you think about a study in which you would have one group using cannabis and another group not using cannabis , and then you give them some task that taps into creativity , you will see effects and very likely you'll see effects where cannabis might even increase divergent , convergent thinking and creativity that those results have actually been published many times before .

Does Cannabis (Marijuana) Use Increase Creativity? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So they observe both enhanced divergent and convergent creative type thinking in cannabis users and the source of that they conclude is , and here I'll just quote cannabis users , higher levels of openness to experience are responsible for their enhanced self reported creativity and convergent thinking test performance . So it's not necessarily that cannabis is increasing the capacity of the brain areas that are associated with creativity , but rather are cannabis appears to be increasing in openness and probably doing that in part through lowering anxiety in particular people . And that openness is leading to inclusion of more ideas during the divergent thinking process , right ?

Does Cannabis (Marijuana) Use Increase Creativity? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So right now , I can imagine that all the cannabis users are , are , are cheering . Yes , cannabis increases creativity makes people more creative than they would be otherwise . Well , this is interesting , we have to ask ourselves how that was accomplished and it turns out that one of the major ways in which it was accomplished is that cannabis users , even if they are not under the influence of cannabis are far more open to novel ideas .

Does Cannabis (Marijuana) Use Increase Creativity? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So let's now return to the question of whether or not cannabis and its different components increase creativity . And when you look at the literature on this , you find studies that very clearly point to a yes , it increases creativity .

Does Cannabis (Marijuana) Use Increase Creativity? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So a willingness to explore different options , some of which might seem completely crazy and cannabis increases the personality types and the re reduces the anxiety that create that sense of openness . Well , then it makes perfect sense why cannabis would increase creativity in certain individuals but not directly . And this study , the one I just referred to which I should say was published in the journal Consciousness and Cognition .