So , like during baseball practice , it's only baseball and then after practice , you can worry about a academics and uh your diet and all that stuff . So just focusing on one aspect of uh the day at a time , one advice that I give um a high school student trying to get a division one scholarship is , um , you can't really take a day off . Um There's kids out there trying to compete for your spot at a Power Five School and , um , you just gotta be physically ready for it .


Coaches wanna see , um , how you react to adversity , um , and just being yourself on and off the field , um , and just like competing to the best of your ability because coaches , when they come watch you , um , even if , even if you go over for four at the plate or have like , pitch really bad , um , they wanna see how you react to adversity . So that's one thing that I've really learned through my high school career . Yeah , for sure .


I'm a freshman left-handed pitcher at the University of Nebraska Lincoln . Some of the advice that some of my coacher coaches and mentors have given me is just be yourself , especially in the recruiting process . Coaches wanna see , um , how you react to adversity , um , and just being yourself on and off the field , um , and just like competing to the best of your ability because coaches , when they come watch you , um , even if , even if you go over for four at the plate or have like , pitch really bad , um , they wanna see how you react to adversity .


Um , I mean , practices are gonna get long sometimes . Um , but you guys cannot take it for granted and that's one thing that I've really realized in high school coming into college is you can't take a day for granted because there's someone out there trying to get better than you . I'd probably say , uh , don't take any days for granted because high school is very , very calm compared to college and this is not just athletics , it's like every day .


Um , but you guys cannot take it for granted and that's one thing that I've really realized in high school coming into college is you can't take a day for granted because there's someone out there trying to get better than you . I'd probably say , uh , don't take any days for granted because high school is very , very calm compared to college and this is not just athletics , it's like every day . Um I really enjoyed high school and I went by really fast so I just not taking a day for granted .