I'm a freshman left-handed pitcher at the University of Nebraska Lincoln . Some of the advice that some of my coacher coaches and mentors have given me is just be yourself , especially in the recruiting process . Coaches wanna see , um , how you react to adversity , um , and just being yourself on and off the field , um , and just like competing to the best of your ability because coaches , when they come watch you , um , even if , even if you go over for four at the plate or have like , pitch really bad , um , they wanna see how you react to adversity .


So just focusing on one aspect of uh the day at a time , one advice that I give um a high school student trying to get a division one scholarship is , um , you can't really take a day off . Um There's kids out there trying to compete for your spot at a Power Five School and , um , you just gotta be physically ready for it . Um , work your butt off in the weight room , work your hardest every single day .


Um It's actually Kansas State University , um and I was committed there for three years . Um , I had a really good high school career and going into my senior summer , uh , they called me and just , uh , practically told me that they thought there was gonna be , uh , more guys getting drafted and , uh , the guy that , um , originally took my scholarship , uh , didn't get drafted . So they gave , um , the scholarship money to him instead and I ha I was stuck finding a new home and , um , just thankful for Nebraska to call me and , uh , give me a spot on the team o on the field just competing to the best of my ability .


Some of the advice that some of my coacher coaches and mentors have given me is just be yourself , especially in the recruiting process . Coaches wanna see , um , how you react to adversity , um , and just being yourself on and off the field , um , and just like competing to the best of your ability because coaches , when they come watch you , um , even if , even if you go over for four at the plate or have like , pitch really bad , um , they wanna see how you react to adversity . So that's one thing that I've really learned through my high school career .


Um , I , I'm very energetic when I'm on the field and I don't like losing . So , um , just being as high as tensity as you can and not changing anything about yourself because , uh , coaches wanna see you at your , um , like when you're like , when you act like yourself and I think that's really important because if you try to be someone you're not , then once you get on campus , you can't , you can't repeat that every day and um just on the , off the field when you're interacting with them , just um they're , they're , they're just another person and um could be your fu future coach . So just respecting them um as a coach and just being yourself and uh not trying to do too much in the conversation if that makes sense .