GDL Ori Spado Feature

Uh Writing the book you will find is the easy part because the tough part is selling the book . Now , I sold thousands of books . The average author in their lifetime will only sell 250 books and make an average of $500 in their lifetime .

GDL Ori Spado Feature

And this is only gonna be , I'll only be doing this for a limited time now uh because I've been out for a while and the movie's coming out and I got a lot of speaking engagements . So my books only only right now , you could buy an autographed copy off of my website in the future . It will only be available when I'm at special events .

GDL Ori Spado Feature

You know why you wrote the book ? But like can we talk about what the book is about a little bit ? Uh or do you not want to give anything away ?

GDL Ori Spado Feature

OK ? Uh Writing the book you will find is the easy part because the tough part is selling the book . Now , I sold thousands of books .

GDL Ori Spado Feature

It will only be available when I'm at special events . Uh Otherwise you can always go to the Amazon Barnes and Noble and it's available there . Thank you .