OK ? Uh Writing the book you will find is the easy part because the tough part is selling the book . Now , I sold thousands of books .
Uh What would you say to those that want to write a book or aspiring to write a book ? What should they do if you're aspiring , you want to write a book , then by all means write it today . Publishing is easier than it's ever been .
And this was 2013 . How long does it take to write this book ? It took me a couple of years and , uh , I wrote the book , I mean , it's a line in between .
Yeah . Uh What would you say to those that want to write a book or aspiring to write a book ? What should they do if you're aspiring , you want to write a book , then by all means write it today .
And , uh , we were talking , people were coming from Hollywood want me to do reality shows this and that and I wasn't interested . And George looked at me and he said , write a book and we'll get the movie made . Wow .