GDL Ori Spado Feature

And , uh , we were talking , people were coming from Hollywood want me to do reality shows this and that and I wasn't interested . And George looked at me and he said , write a book and we'll get the movie made . Wow .

GDL Ori Spado Feature

I mean , what does that feel like for you ? Did you ever think that you were gonna write a movie ? I didn't write the movie .

GDL Ori Spado Feature

Did you ever think that you were gonna write a movie ? I didn't write the movie . No .

GDL Ori Spado Feature

David wrote it along with my son Anthony and they were both producers on the , on it . George Gallo is directing it . George Gallo did uh uh midnight Run uh Middle Man 29th Street Bad Boys .

GDL Ori Spado Feature

And they don't have , they , they can read my book and they could learn , they'll learn things about Hollywood . I was a Hollywood fixer . I only mentioned one or two names of people in Hollywood .