How to Build Muscle | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Um And you wanna make sure you have a few standards in place with the exercise choice and some other things that we um we'll hit in just a second , but that's really the fundamental way of getting to it . Um making sure either that signal is loud enough or frequent enough to give the nuclei a convincing enough reason to spend the resources because you have to remember two things in order to grow new skeletal muscle , you need amino acids which are your uh supply . And then you need primarily carbohydrates as the energy source to power that synthesis process .

How to Build Muscle | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

What's driving changes in hypertrophy is much more well rounded and so you have options to get that . Remember , you're training a movement and now you're training a response and a muscle that causes the growth that's very , very different . So if we look at like the classic dogma , we have to basically challenge the muscle to need to come back in this case , specifically bigger and the nutrients need to be there to support that growth .

How to Build Muscle | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Remember , you're training a movement and now you're training a response and a muscle that causes the growth that's very , very different . So if we look at like the classic dogma , we have to basically challenge the muscle to need to come back in this case , specifically bigger and the nutrients need to be there to support that growth . Ok .

How to Build Muscle | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

The topic that occupies the minds of so many youth , young men , but also a lot of women . I think one of the really interesting progressions that's taken place in the last decade or so , is that far more men and women are using resistance training in order to evoke hypertrophy growth of muscles for aesthetic reasons and for all sorts of reasons , what are the ways that people can induce hypertrophy ? So not to correct you or insult you , but probably a better way to think about that question is really what stimuli do I need to give the muscle to induce hypertrophy .

How to Build Muscle | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

I think one of the really interesting progressions that's taken place in the last decade or so , is that far more men and women are using resistance training in order to evoke hypertrophy growth of muscles for aesthetic reasons and for all sorts of reasons , what are the ways that people can induce hypertrophy ? So not to correct you or insult you , but probably a better way to think about that question is really what stimuli do I need to give the muscle to induce hypertrophy . Now , there are um hormonal factors that are important , there are nutritional factors but just to stick with the context of training .