Clearly , her genetics are in the right place . Um I gotta give a shout out to our friend Ryan Reynolds who just uh sold Mint Mobile to T Mobile . Um with the deal back .
Um with the deal back . Wait , wait , wait backs , Mint Mobile sold to T Mobile in a deal worth 1.35 Know Mobile . OK .
You've got Paulo Al Pacino , Bobby de Niro . Those are movie stars are movies , have so much time left with you . I want you to plug away of where we can get Sno Vino .
It , you wanna get it charged up , you use this fantastic charger over here . This is the output over there and it has an extra cable like this with the ability to charge it in your car . So that is really cool .
You use this fantastic charger over here . This is the output over there and it has an extra cable like this with the ability to charge it in your car . So that is really cool .