How Bad Is Tap Water for Health? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So this is the so called clearly filtered water pitcher with affinity filtration . So this is a filter that can adequately remove fluoride lead BPAs glyphosate hormones and some of the other harmful things that are contained in most tap water . Again , I do realize that for some people , even an $80 cost is going to be prohibitive .

How Bad Is Tap Water for Health? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

There are going to be other individuals who are suffering particular ailments of brain or body or both that absolutely should be filtering their drinking water if they're getting their drinking the water from their tap because it is pretty well established now that tap water contains a lot of these disinfectant by products as well as in most cases exceeding the threshold of fluoride that we know to be healthy for us . How should you filter your tap water ? Well , you have everything ranging from the so called Brita type filters .

How Bad Is Tap Water for Health? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

I would argue that why wouldn't you employ some very low or even zero cost approach to filtering your water ? There are going to be other individuals who are suffering particular ailments of brain or body or both that absolutely should be filtering their drinking water if they're getting their drinking the water from their tap because it is pretty well established now that tap water contains a lot of these disinfectant by products as well as in most cases exceeding the threshold of fluoride that we know to be healthy for us . How should you filter your tap water ?

How Bad Is Tap Water for Health? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Let's talk about tap water . And here I have to take a deep breath , not a deep gulp , but a deep breath .

How Bad Is Tap Water for Health? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

It's very clear that DB PS have been shown to disrupt ovarian function , spermatogenesis and fertility outcomes even at concentrations of DB PS that are present in drinking water that comes from the tap . Now , does that mean that you shouldn't drink tap water ? Well , the answer to that is a , it depends what does it depend on .